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‘Time flies when you’re having fun’

Little that you realise that it have been 27 long years. You have always been the silent brother, protecting and defending us (the siblings) from major problems. While I have always been the one trying my extreme best to deviate from what is obviously already an established issue. But through that tough times, you stood strong, giving us hope for a better ‘future’ and that is one trait you should always keep for the rest of your life. 

‘Time flies when you’re having fun’

You may have now been a considerably responsible language teacher, yet you never fail to find time to entertain yourself to stacks of games. Something extremely ironic especially when those were the days when we were younger and we used to play video games together. Well I guess I barely have time fore that or perhaps, I have grown out of that. But it is just funny sometimes to think that my teacher used to say ‘Make sure you go and complete your homework and not to play video games!’. And then, here comes you, being a teacher and giving me a first hand experience of a teachers lifestyle. Well at least you have learnt to manage.

‘Time flies when you’re having fun’

Education, you have always been in charge of that around us, maybe because you are the eldest and also the ‘book-smart’ one. I on the other hand have to live with a low profile until for my entire schooling days until I managed to establish myself as the ‘street-smart’ one, at least I am good some something right? That said, I am sure we want the best for our sisters and I think deep down they are rather thankful that they have brothers with two different types of personality and able to ask for help in different situations. Maybe not get a direct answer,because I know that is not your style, but at least that have got some hints and guidance towards the right solution.

‘Time flies when you’re having fun’

Well time flies coz I just woke up, literally. So this is it brother! There is probably not many shops open today to get you anything, so heres me wishing you a very



(may Allah reward you with goodness)

‘Time flies when you’re having fun’

So lets not stop having fun! Enjoy life as it is! It is all pre-written anyways so why not make the best of life. Through thick and thin, you will always be my Big Chubby Brother, forever! So all the best in your future endeavours and make lots of Dollars and Cents! But whatever it is, you should know I will always have your back (not literally)!

HBD Big Brother!

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